At the ripe old age of 18, I was lucky enough to be whisked off to Hong Kong to sing for the premiere of a Hollywood film. I pretty much left my high-school graduation for the airport and, to this day, it is still one of the most memorable trips I've been on. A harbour cruise on a superyacht and an exclusive dinner at the Hong Kong Club were just a couple of the highlights of the trip, and this wide-eyed Kiwi kid from Rotorua was spellbound by the fast-paced, majestic old city. Honkers will always hold a special place in my heart.
In 2009, I got sick on the last night of the continental Europe leg of a monster three-month tour. I was in Switzerland when I ended up with a large, painful lump sprouting out the side of my throat. The doctor couldn't say for sure whether it was mumps, or whether I just had a very swollen lymph node, but he'd been called to make sure I could sing that night, so actually diagnosing me was the least of his concerns. He tried to get me to agree to him injecting steroids directly into my larynx. I gave him a look that roughly translated to "you want to put what, WHERE?" in most languages. Thankfully, my larynx and I both made it through the show that night, sans dangerous medical interventions.