Last November we had a fit of madness and booked flights to Tromso, well within Norway's Arctic Circle. Not exactly winter sun. There were only four hours of sunlight each day and the temperature fluctuated between -5C and -15C. Not the usual winter destination for an already cold Scottish family. I was told at the tourist information office that this was the best time of year to look for herring. I like the occasional kipper but I asked why I might be interested in looking for herring? They explained that of more interest to visitors are the large number of whales that follow them. Now he had me! I've had some incredible whale encounters but as a family we'd always failed miserably.
Within 15 minutes we found ourselves in a stretch of water that could only be described as whale soup. Humpbacks and more killer whales than you could shake a stick at. Not glimpses but prolonged views and close encounters. We could have reached out and touched their dorsal fins. To share such an incredible experience with those you love is as good as life gets.