Italia: Simple Recipes from the Italian Cook School
by Jo Seagar, Random House, $65
by Jo Seagar, Random House, $65
Not really a travel book, I know, but surely one of the best reasons for visiting Italy is the fantastic food.
And the photos and recipes in this book, from the village of Eggi in Umbria, provide a better taste of Italy than any tale of an English couple living in Tuscany for a year.
I only had to see the herb ricotta ravioli with walnut sauce, whipped up by Seagar's Italian consigliere, savour the photos of old men sipping coffee in the market square cafe and admire the marvellous produce at the fruttivendolo and I was drooling to be there myself.
Best of all, the recipes really are simple. I've made two so far, both were easy and both were delicious.