During our around-the-world trip, whenever I (Andrea) needed to locate my travel pal (Jabin), I simply looked up.
No matter where we were - a crowded landmark in Mumbai, a boisterous outdoor market in Hong Kong, a hectic airport gate in Madagascar - Jabin's treetop head usually cleared the crowd by at least six inches, if not a foot. The risk of losing track of him was as low as misplacing a baby giraffe in Times Square.
Depending on the situation, Jabin's height - a stately 6-feet-5 - was a blessing or a curse, an advantage or a disadvantage. In Mumbai, for instance, he slammed his head into a road sign that most people couldn't even touch on tippy-toes. At Victoria Peak in Hong Kong, he simply raised his camera over the mob of tourists and captured an unobstructed panorama of the skyline. By comparison, all of my images were photo-bombed by blockheads and selfie sticks.

As we hopped from country to country, Jabin noted the pros and cons of life as the Traveling Tall Guy (TTG). Here are his observations: