Are selfie-sticks a dangerous annoyance or are we being too sensitive? Our travel editors take opposing sides in the argument.
Winston Aldworth, Travel Editor: Sticking up for it
Being judgmental about other holidaymakers is as old as holidaymaking itself - and sometimes it's more fun. I'll happily admit to enjoying a sly snigger about the folk you meet on the road.
The much-maligned selfie-stick is merely Mother Nature's latest way of marking out our fellow travellers for muttered derision. Selfies - and especially selfie-sticks - come in for a bit of, well, stick. I'll defend them: I'll happily snap a selfie at an interesting site and bang the thing up on social media - it's a bit of fun and one more way to talk about and document where you've been. And it sure beats a slide show for the neighbours.
Disneyland's ban comes after one visitor tried to use a selfie-stick on a rollercoaster - so they should have just banned them from rides. It's mean-spirited to shut them down altogether.