Taskmaster NZ comedian Angella Dravid says Queenstown is a portal to a postcard. Photo / 123RF
Taskmaster NZ comedian Angella Dravid says Queenstown is a portal to a postcard. Photo / 123RF
What are your strongest memories from an overseas trip?
When Dad and I went to India when I was about 6, I needed to use the toilet. Unfortunately, when I got there, they were all squat toilets. I'd never used one before and couldn't speak Hindi. This old lady helped me.
What was a standard family holiday like when growing up?
We lived in Napier while the rest of the family was in Auckland. Mum and I did the long drive to spend Christmas with them. We'd have church in the mornings, umu prep and volleyball in the afternoons, and close the day with family prayer.
Michael Palin, National Geographic documentaries, and Encarta 95.
What is the greatest trip you've ever been on?
Thorpe Park in the UK. I was 19 and awaiting sentencing [Dravid spent two months in prison while living in the UK]. The bail hostel took us out for the day to a theme park. Looking back, it's weird. We were 20 odd women in various stages of the criminal justice system waiting to go on the rides like everyone else.
I tried cactus juice once. Someone played music and I saw colours, specifically this yellow spot on my friend's face. I thought I had synesthesia until he told me it was a birthmark. Then the mescaline kicked in and I kept replaying that scene.
What's your approach to packing for a big trip?
Pack light if you wanna spend. Pack a lot if you wanna save.
What is the destination that most surprised you – good or bad?
My experiences of places are influenced by the people around me. I'm pretty sure the bus ride to Hell would be enjoyable if you had great people around you. But the destination that surprised me the most was probably Queenstown. It's a portal to a postcard.
Angella Dravid is one of the comedians taking part in Taskmaster NZ, hosted by Jeremy Wells. Photo / Supplied
Where was your most memorable sunrise/sunset?
When I was a kid, our family church did early morning prayer walks around Ōtara. We finished the walk and prayed in a school netball court. I heard chuckling. I opened my eyes to see a gorgeous sunrise. Everyone had their eyes shut and was praying, except for some kids. They were laughing because a stray dog was going around sniffing our butts.
What's the first thing you do when you get home from a long trip?