The three-day festival was full of disruptions, long queues and cancellations leaving attendees disappointed. Video / NZ Herald / Getty
The "once in a lifetime" Byron Bay party that was set to eclipse Splendour In The Grass this weekend was hit with something far worse than bad weather: a Hemsworth no-show.
Set atop a hill in the middle of a 120-acre property owned by Australian folk musician Angus Stone, the exclusive invite-only bash was billed as the VIP event of the festival and promised an Instagrammable oasis with a guest list including the "most influential names in music and fashion".
Splendour in the Mud: Not everyone persevered at the Byron music festival as the Hemmsworth brothers could not attend. Photo / Getty Imags,, James Weir
But that's the thing about Instagram. It rarely matches the reality.
"We're expecting two Hemsworths," Glenn Coleman, the founder of Melbourne fashion label Nana Judy and host of the event, whispered as the free bus chauffeured the remainder of the several hundred guests along a muddy trail to the secret location.
The overlap of reality shows was like a crossover between the Marvel and DC universes. But in the world of reality TV contestants, the result is more unpredictable and dangerous.
"This guy from Love Island is here and he's a total d*ck," someone, who begged to remain anonymous, said. "He's a full-blown douche bag. He's the worst. He thinks the sun shines out of his f**king ass. He's off his face."
The party, now in its seventh year, has turned Angus Stone - one half of the brother-sister folk duo Angus and Julia Stone - into some kind of Byron-esque Hugh Hefner, hosting leather-fringed influencers at his farm like bunny-eared playmates at the Playboy mansion. But instead of sex, it's all about #SponPo.
As scattered showers sprinkled throughout the afternoon and the party dragged closer to its end, Baker Boy hit the stage for a performance.
Splendour in the Grass has cancelled its Friday line-up. Photo / James Weir,
"How we vibin' tonight?" he called out to the straggling crowd, who filmed themselves dancing for the three-song set.
"Is that it?" someone muttered as they leant against the wall of one of the Balinese huts.
Down near the bathroom cabins - which guys and girls had started peeing around instead of inside - one gentleman was feeling the effects of too many free vodka Red Bulls from the sponsorship bar. He passed out under Angus Stone's bank of solar panels.
Micro-influencers mingled with reality TV stars at the VIP party. Photo /
Upstairs on the balcony overlooking the muddy grounds, even in the final moments of the event, the organisers were still scrambling to locate a Hemsworth.
"Liam and Luke said they were coming," Glenn insisted before pulling out his phone and frantically dialling. "Lemme call them again."
"We were in talks with Jack Harlow but that's fallen through," the other offered with a shrug.
Still, for some, the lack of Hemsworths didn't matter.
"It's f**king lit," Jami Knight, an influencer with 363,000 followers said. "The vibe, the people. This is the best party."
The Hemsworth brothers Chris, Luke and Liam caused a stir at muddy Splendour. Photo / Getty
Glenn Coleman has denied the version of events above, clarifying his involvement in a statement to on Sunday afternoon.
"The reporter kept asking me throughout the event for list of names for his article, so I advised him the PR agency advised me the Hemsworths were on the list," Glenn said.
"The reporter kept asking me multiple times through the event so with his request I texted the PR agency for an update that is all. There was nothing more to it.
"We had many important guests present and the guests had a wonderful time. With the weather how it was, there are multiple changes to the list as you can appreciate.