Fiona Hawtin divulges Pacific Island spa etiquette tips for those wanting a bit of pampering
* Holiday resort spas range from zen-like treatment temples to simple salons that do little more than massage, facials and nail painting.
* Prices are generally on a par with what you'd pay in New Zealand, but in those resorts that think in American dollars watch out, you could pay more.
* If you're new to spa-going, start with a relaxation massage - great to help you get in the holiday mood. Many resorts offer tandem massages, where your partner can be massaged in the same room at the same time.
* In Pacific Island countries a modest approach is taken, so you won't be automatically expected to strip to a disposable g-string for a body massage. If you're happier in you own underwear and draped in a towel, that's fine.
* If you enjoy your first taste of pampering, move on to a facial, body wrap or pedicure. Specialised treatments should be done by staff with specialised training - check out what their qualifications are before you get carried away as you may be better embarking on this sort of treatment at home.
* It's best to avoid active facial ingredients or micro-dermabrasion as the products used in these treatments often don't combine well with the sun.
*To make the most of your holiday spa treatment, try something different, especially using local products. Don't feel pressured to buy products, most spas sell their ranges, but if you like what's used, taking home a moisturising lotion with a tropical scent may be just the way to make your holiday memories linger longer.