Windswept outback landscape in the East Kimberley area, Western Australia. Photo / 123rf
Windswept outback landscape in the East Kimberley area, Western Australia. Photo / 123rf
The singer reflects on some of her most memorable travel experiences.
What are your strongest memories from your first overseas trip?
When I was 19, I stayed with a family who lived in the centre of Rome. Finding the words to speak with them in Italian, wearing no seatbelts while travelling at record speeds and the entire family gathering to give their opinions on the daughter’s new dress were all standouts for me.
What was a standard family holiday like when growing up?
We rented a crib at Riverton Rocks in Southland every year. My mother would love us to return and holiday there again but, like the opera (m)Orpheus that I am singing in at the moment, I say to her “never look back”!
The Rovos Rail from Capetown to Vic Falls. My favourite moment was Johnny’s singing at Lord Milner, Matjiesfontein.
And the worst?
The jungle of Papua New Guinea. I was coming home from singing at an event. The taxi driver and our armed bodyguard were expecting an ambush. I remember thinking what would happen if I had to defend myself dressed in a red ball gown, and stilettos and carrying the sheet music for O mio babbino caro.
What is the destination that most surprised you – good or bad – and why?
Western Australia’s Kimberley region. While on an Opera Australia tour, a group of us chartered a plane into the Outback. The beauty of the desert and blue water of an oasis was like nothing I have ever seen.
Deborah Wai Kapohe takes the lead in the dance-opera (m)Orpheus, a collaboration between NZ Opera and Black Grace. Photo / Tania Warbrick
Where is the one destination you must see in your lifetime, and why?
This is a really hard question to answer because we are destroying our planet, in particular with our abuse of fossil fuels. I don’t feel comfortable travelling, in particular long distances, unless there is a good reason. So, my answer is that I will go with the flow and see where my next performance takes me!
Soprano Deborah Wai Kapohe stars in NZ Opera & Black Grace’s dance-opera (m)Orpheus, playing 6-10 Sept at ASB Waterfront Theatre Auckland and 20 - 23 Sept at Wellington Opera House. Tickets are available at