Seeing Angkor Wat at sunset without the crowds was one of Kiwi actor Amelia Reid-Meredith's most memorable travel moments. Photo / Getty Images
Seeing Angkor Wat at sunset without the crowds was one of Kiwi actor Amelia Reid-Meredith's most memorable travel moments. Photo / Getty Images
What do you miss most about travel right now?
The heat.
What are your strongest memories from the first overseas trip you ever took?
My mum took me to Surfers Paradise to visit her sister. We stayed near Sea World, which now I couldn't think of anything worse but it was so exciting as a 4-year-old. My strongest memory is of Mum and Aunty peeling massive Australian prawns on the hotel deck.
What was a standard family holiday like when growing up?
I had a very fortunate childhood; my parents ran a helicopter business so we often snuck away to remote parts of the Nelson region and stayed in huts.
Who has most inspired your travels?
My grandma. At 17 she set off on her own from Christchurch to explore the North Island. She often talked about these travels with such wonder. It was her that encouraged me to go and travel alone. She told me I would soak more in if I did it by myself.
My OE – I had just turned 20 and I ended up staying in Cambodia for six months where I immersed myself in life there. I then went on to travel through India and Europe. It was both exhilarating and deeply challenging. Without sounding earnest, it truly changed my life. From a South Island farm girl, it opened my eyes to the world.
And the worst?
I don't think there is such a thing as a worst trip - just challenges. The most challenging one yet was our last trip to Thailand where we planned to heal our broken hearts after my mum had passed away. We planned to relive our 20s, backpacking through South East Asia, now with a 3-year-old in tow. Ten days into our two-month trip we got a call to say my husband's nanna had been moved to Hospice. We began a 30-hour "Amazing Race" trip home to be with her on her last breath. It taught me home will always call.
Kiwi actor Amelia Reid-Meredith travelling with her son. Photo / Supplied
What's your approach to packing for an overseas trip?
I'm terrible - I always pack too much! And always the night before a big trip I have my recurring nightmare of getting to the airport without my passport so I always triple check I have that.
What is the destination that most surprised you – good or bad?
Germany. I went to visit a friend in Hamburg and had an incredible time. I was surprised by the warmth of the people, the food culture and how much beauty there was in the architecture. I loved it.
Where was your most memorable sunrise/sunset?
Seeing Angkor Wat at sunset without the crowds. I had arrived when the rains started so everyone else was running back to their tuk-tuks - I had come so far so I continued to look around, suddenly it cleared and the light was indescribable. It was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.
What's the first thing you do when you get home from a long trip?
Look at my photos and wish I was back there. I get an awful come-down after travelling.
What do you miss most about home when you travel?
The view from my family home kitchen which overlooks the Richmond Ranges. Although I moved away at 17, it's still the place I think about when I'm away.
Where is the one destination you must see in your lifetime?
I have this very romantic idea in my head of fishing in a little boat off the Santorini coast, eating olives and drinking ouzo.
The freedom I feel when I'm on the road. I love being inspired by new places and opening up my capacity for understanding how different cultures approach life.
Amelia Reid-Meredith stars in new Kiwi movie This Town, in cinemas now