No matter how cool you think you are as a parent, you are probably one of the last people your teenager wants to spend time with. But if you can cut their WiFi umbilical cord and get them to look up from their phones for a day or two, you can show them just how cool you really are, with a trip to Samoa.
1: Education

Teenagers love nothing more than educational visits to historic monuments. Samoa's second island, Upolu was the home and final resting place for Robert Louis Stevenson, author of Treasure Island, Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Kidnapped among other novels and poems. Did you know that Samoa has only two indoor fireplaces? And that both are inside Stevenson's old home? Now you do. But teenagers can impart a few lessons of their own: I learned, for instance, that old portraits of the teller of stories, as Stevenson is known in his adopted land, are hilarious when filtered through Instagram.