The flight attendant with Ryanair didn't hold back when revealing the stupidity of some passenger requests. Photo / @emilyw.2002, TikTok
The flight attendant with Ryanair didn't hold back when revealing the stupidity of some passenger requests. Photo / @emilyw.2002, TikTok
A Ryanair flight attendant called Emily recently took to TikTok to reveal some of the ridiculous requests she has heard from passengers.
Ensuring passengers are comfortable is part of the job as a flight attendant, but not all requests are reasonable, or in some cases, physically possible.
In the video, the flight attendant from Essex said one passenger asked if the windows could be opened because they were too hot, while another requested they turn the plane's engine off because it was "too noisy".
Another passenger, who had a fear of heights, asked if the plane could fly lower, while a nervous traveller asked if the crew had any parachutes on board, in case of a catastrophe.
Aside from the more dangerous requests, the young flight attendant also shared that some passengers have attempted to get her phone number in exchange for buying her a drink on board.
"And thats not even half of it …." She wrote in the video caption.
The video has been viewed more than 623,800 times and prompted almost 400 comments from viewers.
One said they felt uneasy flying, not because of the plane but fellow passengers.
"When I say I'm scared of flying, I'm not scared of the plane, I'm scared of the ppl in it," they wrote.
Another joked that turning off the engine for the passenger who disliked the noise could also help the passenger who was scared of heights.
One viewer added: "My mum was Cabin crew, she was once asked what the big bright light following the plane through the night was. Turned out to be a light on the wing".