Hailing a taxi can cost a little or a lot depending on what part of the world you are in. Photo / 123RF
Hailing a taxi can cost a little or a lot depending on what part of the world you are in. Photo / 123RF
If you're holidaying in Switzerland, prepare to take a hit to the pocket - the taxi fare from the airport is the most expensive in the world.
Carspring's 2017 Taxi Price Index has revealed the average ride from Zurich Airport to the city centre would set you back a whopping $94.46 - with a charge of $11.30 just to get into the cab in the first place.
In Cairo, catching a cab is a real bargain. Photo / 123RF
On the other end of the scale, the cheapest place to get a taxi was revealed to be Cairo, Egypt, where the fare from the airport costs a mere $5.72. This was followed by Mubai, India ($6.05) and Jakarta, Indonesia ($14.04).
The index was compiled by looking at the cost of hailing a taxi, the cost per kilometre, the cost of waiting time and the typical fare for a taxi from the airport to the city centre in 80 cities.
Auckland made the list at number 54, with an average charge of $62.14 when travelling from the airport - and it's most likely to be in a Holden Commodore.
In comparison, we're paying nearly twice as much as our closest neighbour over the ditch - Sydney's average cost per km was $1.54, compared to Auckland's $2.90.
The research also showed what car model was most popular with taxi drivers in each city, to give you an idea of what you're likely to drive in and how to spot an unlicensed driver.
So while you might be spending top dollar to travel by taxi in Switzerland, at least you'll be doing so in style - in both Geneva and Zurich, you'll probably be riding in a Mercedes-Benz.
Zurich is the most expensive city in the world to get a taxi. Photo / 123RF
In a comment on the index, Carspring CEO Maximilian Vollenbroich said: "Nothing beats the relief of hopping into a comfortable taxi after a long day of sightseeing in a new city.
"But in some cities, this simply isn't affordable, and in other places, tourists are at risk of being overcharged. We hope our research helps travellers prepare for safe, fun, and budget-friendly travel in whatever ride best suits them."
The five least expensive cities worldwide (3 km fare)
1. Cairo, Egypt - $0.75 2. Mumbai, India - $1.91 3. Jakarta, Indonesia - $2 4. Bucharest, Romania - $2 5. Mexico City, Mexico - $2.08
The five most expensive cities worldwide (3 km fare)
1. Zurich, Switzerland - $34.39 2. Geneva, Switzerland - $23.87 3. Tokyo, Japan - $21.72 4. Copenhagen, Denmark - $18.75 5. Helsinki, Finland - $17.45