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Quiz: How many countries can you name in three minutes?

NZ Herald
2 mins to read

Countries of the World Quiz

It's fair to say there are a few blank spots on everyone's maps. This game will show you exactly where they are!

There are 195 countries in the world today according to the UN - but how many you can name is one of the more contentious bits of trivia you can ask.

Officially there are 54 countries in Africa, which gained its most recent addition in 2011.
Asia has the second most with 48.
44 are in Europe.
33 in Latin America and the Caribbean.
14 in Oceania.
There are just 2 countries in Northern America.

The Pope's Holy See and the State of Palestine get counted in these numbers though they aren't technically members of the UN club. Elsewhere Taiwan - which for some is country number 196 - is counted as a part of the People's Republic of China.

Closer to home the Cook Islands and Niue are disqualified from the UN's official count, instead choosing to fold them in with Aotearoa.

This might in itself be surprising considering how often New Zealand is neglected and forgotten off of charts and atlases. It's become something of a running joke. However, for our smugness there are still a lot of countries most Kiwis don't recognise.

How many can you name? (You can have the above for free!)

You've got three minutes! Go!
