We travel initially to lose ourselves and next to find ourselves - to travel is to put yourself outside your comfort zone - it cracks you open and pushes you up against the wall. Travelling is in fact like being in love - you're under the influence. The normal rules don't apply . . . you're more open, more tolerant, more reckless. Like love, it's about surrender rather than conquest, and is less to do with countries and more to do with stretching your boundaries and expanding on what you believe is "normal". And if you're flying, of course, it provides a unique opportunity to eat revolting food, meet harmless lunatics and sit doing nothing.
Bruce Chatwin called it horreur du domicile, this need to be nomadic that is both a compulsion to wander and a compulsion to return. All human beings have the wandering characteristic genetically inherited from vegetarian primates, just as they have an emotional need, which comes from carnivores, for a base or port. But a nomad is not a person who wanders aimlessly from place to place; au contraire, it is a person who follows prescribed paths, someone who is following a calling, be it professional, spiritual or pastoral. Pascal said that all man's unhappiness stemmed from a single cause, his inability to remain quietly in a room. We seem to need change as we need the air we breathe, because without it our brains and bodies rot. Encephalographs of travellers' brains show that change stimulates the brain rhythms, bringing a sense of well-being and a purpose in life.
The way you experience a country is also coloured by the mode of transport you take, the guide you use, where you stay, the weather, what you eat and the psychological baggage you carry with you - your hopes, fears, prejudices and plans. Travel spins you around in two ways at once - it shows you the sights and values and issues that you may ordinarily ignore; but it also and more profoundly, shows you all the parts of yourself that may otherwise go unexamined.
A tour to a challenging destination like India, for example, makes some of my clients go completely troppo. For a lot of people it's like being in hospital for the first time - the stress of culture shock just brings about a personality change. I don't understand why more travellers are not alcoholics actually and prescription drugs don't seem adequate somehow.
Then of course there's the periodic loneliness or disappointment in a place that one isn't expecting. There's no such thing as a wonderful, beautiful or moving destination. There is only your reaction and relationship to it that makes it worthwhile or not.