Footage has been captured of a child jumping on a table on a plane. Video / readysetgorilla
A traveller felt compelled to share the spectacle, after parents let their kids run amok on a long-haul flight.
The video titled “Letting children run wild during an 8 hour flight” was shared to the Reddit travel forums yesterday, setting anxious travellers on edge.
The eight second clip showed a child jumping on a seat tray table.
The sensation of tiny kicks to the back of the seat is a common flight gripe. A tot using the back of your chair as a bouncy castle is more than most would put up with.
Remarkably the passenger in front makes no complaint. He exhibits a tolerance few of those watching the video say they would have shown.
A child was filmed jumping on tray tables on this busy 8-hour flight. Photo / Reddit
Parents watching the video said they would have wilted with embarrassment, and never would have let their kids behave like that.
“I would feel like a failed parent if my kids were doing this and I was just straight up allowing it,” said one.
“My only kid is a tornado and NO F****** WAY would I allow her to behave this way in public, let alone on a flight.”
One reply, from a self-proclaimed “frequent flyer”, weighed in with advice. He even suggested that it could lead to an upgrade.
“Ask politely once. Beyond that, don’t engage, call over the flight attendant. They will ask them to stop, and if they refuse they’ll usually move you to an upgraded seat if available.”
Children on planes is an surprising point of tension for travellers. Passengers can be accused of “parent shaming” or lack of compassion if they make a fuss, while their kids behaviour can be a source of anxiety for travellers with young children.
Recently a Kiwi musician found himself as a lightning rod for the debate, after his TikTok of a scream filled 29-hour flight went viral.
Some passengers have asked for child-free cabins to be introduced.
A flight attendant joined the conversation saying they saw parents unable to control unruly children on flights regularly. They had a sneaky trick to diffuse the situation.
“One trick we always tried first when I was an [crew member] was to ask the captain to put on the fasten seat belt sign, and make an announcement that everyone MUST be in their seats with their seat belt fastened IMMEDIATELY.”