Napier has plenty to amuse and entertain young and old, writes Donna McIntyre.
Napier does family holidays well. The flat terrain by the waterfront means that despite lots of places to stop and visit, little legs don't get weary too quickly. Walks are broken into do-able sections by the pier, walking and cycling paths, public areas to find shelter and sculptures (including Pania of the Reef), playgrounds, icecream parlours and cafes, sunken gardens, the floral clock and info boards.
The waterfront also offers a great choice of places to stay and eat. And if the children are old enough to ride a scooter or bike, it is easy to cover a lot of ground. If you're lucky, there may be music at the sound shell after they have made their way along the junior bike trail (with double lanes, stop signs and traffic lights to make them more safety aware).
A newcomer to waterfront activities for the young and those young at heart is Bay Skate, a council-led initiative providing a hub for boarders, scooter riders, bladers and skaters and BMXers, and all in a positive supervised environment. There's a grandstand (revamped from its former life in Marineland) and shaded seating areas for spectators.