What was your greatest holiday? My trip to Hong Kong — the only reason I went in 2011 was to eat for two weeks.
And the worst? Great Barrier Island almost 10 years ago for about 10 days. It turned into some kind of weird version of Survivor between some locals and us. We were 18 or 19 and half the group was trying to relax and the other half was rowdy. Some people on the island decided to make it harder for us to get water, anything refrigerated or buy anything for a reasonable price. I tried to leave earlier but couldn't because of ferry times.
If we bump into you on holiday, what are you most likely to be doing? Either eating or napping.
If we could teleport you to one place in New Zealand for a week-long holiday, where would it be? Probably somewhere along the Whanganui River in the middle of summer.
It's relaxing and beautiful and so calm, and because your phone won't work right in the middle of that national park, no one can bother you.