The best holiday I've ever had was... New Year's Eve in Phuket. Good trip with some great friends. I do regret visiting one of the local strip clubs though. What is seen cannot be unseen.
And the worst was... The overwater room in BoraBora. It was the most beautiful room and spot on earth but one night a storm blew past and we thought the room was about to be blown over. Terrifying.
With endless amounts of time and money I'm off to... South Africa for a luxury safari. I'd also like to try cruising to see if we are cruisey people. And go to Coachella for their music festival, London for the marathon, France to drink wine, Rio for the next Olympics... so much to see and do.
My best travel advice is... Make sure your data roaming is OFF. I got stung with a huge phone bill last year. My bill was as much as the trip to Boston.
I never leave home without... Running gear. There is no better way to check out a new place and the streets near your hotel than lacing up and going for a run.