What was your greatest holiday? At the risk of sounding like a complete tool, I was lucky enough to take in France, the US, Italy, Britain, and other amazing places when I worked in advertising, but yes, here it comes: there's no place like here. Apart from that, a road trip a few years back down Sydney's South Coast with someone special in a shitty old BMW springs to mind. Probably because it reminded me of the Wairarapa. Especially a town called Berry - cheesy, touristy and I loved every minute.
And the worst? Whangarei. Not Whangarei's fault. Long story.
If we bump into you on holiday, what are you most likely to be doing? Finding the best pub and "researching" beer. Always working.
If we could teleport you to one place in New Zealand for a week-long holiday, where would it be? Great Barrier Island.