An enormous, white truffle weighing 900g has dug up a frenzy of international bids, selling for little over $170,000 at auction.
The top truffle went to buyer Umberto Bombana of Hong Kong where it will become a prize ingredient at the restaurant 8½ Otto e Mezzo.
The massive mushroom auction took place in Piedmont northern Italy, during the international Alba White Truffle Fair. Held at the Castle Grinzane Cavour the prize truffle saw bids from truffle fanciers in Dubai, Singapore and Moscow. The charity sale finally ended in favour of Bombana, last week, paying $188 per gram of truffle.

One of the most expensive ingredients in the world, Tuber magnatum Pico is only found in a few parts of southern Europe. Their rarity comes from the difficulty of locating the mushrooms, which grow underground and the fact that - unlike black truffles - they cannot be farmed. They must be rooted out by well-trained truffle hunting dogs or pigs.