Puerto Vallarta: Famous for sun, sand ... and naked dramas. Photo / Getty Images
Puerto Vallarta: Famous for sun, sand ... and naked dramas. Photo / Getty Images
They didn't mention this in the guidebook.
It's famous for its "dazzling beaches, quirky shops and lush palm-covered mountains" with Lonely Planet declaring it one of Mexico's most enticing coastal destinations. Attracting millions of tourists each year, it's definitely a tourist drawcard.
But now, the resort town of Puerto Vallarta is making headlines for a strange new reason: A naked mystery that's shocking locals and baffling officials.
A group of people have been abducted, stripped and tied naked to lampposts, with their buttocks red raw.
Bizarre: The letter R is shaved onto abductees. Photo / Vallarta Independiente, Facebook.com
Local police have confirmed that the incidents and have opened an investigation, but declined to say how many people were involved. However, local media have reported at least 10 cases.
The victims also had the letter "R" marked on their heads — potentially referring to the Spanish word for "rat", or thief.
There's speculation it could be a bizarre twist in the gang wars. But with the victims refusing to talk to police, or claiming they didn't remember anything, it's hard to know for sure.
Only one victim has given away any information, stating he was taken from his home by people unknown to him, before being beaten on a farm.
Mexico has come under the spotlight this year for skyrocketing murder rates.
Playa Los Muertos: The resort's recognisable beach and pier in Puerto Vallarta. Photo / Getty Images
Staying safe while travelling in Mexico
Travel advisories from Australia and the US state that visitors should exercise a "high degree of caution" when in Mexico — the second-lowest of four travel advice levels.
The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) warns of high levels of violent crime and drug-related violence.
"Murder, armed robbery, sexual assault and kidnapping are risks, including in popular tourist destinations and beach resorts. Risks increase after dark," the department says.
This is DFAT's main advice for Australians considering visiting Mexico:
Pay close attention to your personal security at all times
Avoid travelling at night outside of major cities, including on major highways
Avoid changing money at the airport if possible, or change only small amounts to avoid attracting attention
Use only official taxis from airports. Pre-pay your fare at one of the official taxi company booths located in the arrivals hall at airport terminals
Use only radio-dispatched taxis or taxis based at designated stands (sitios), especially in Mexico City
Use only first-class buses
Using toll (cuota) roads may reduce the risk of crime when driving
Don't leave your drinks or food unattended, especially in bars or nightclubs
Don't accept food, drinks, gum or cigarettes from new acquaintances
Monitor the media for information about possible new safety or security risks. Avoid trouble spots.