A trip to Joshua Tree was memorable in more ways than one for Kiwi singer Lou'ana. Photo / Supplied.
A trip to Joshua Tree was memorable in more ways than one for Kiwi singer Lou'ana. Photo / Supplied.
What do you miss most about travel right now?
Deciding whether I've stolen enough tiny hotel shampoos and conditioners, or whether I could fit just one more set in my suitcase.
Where was the first overseas trip you ever took, and what are your strongest memories from it?
My Year 13 Classical Studies trip to Europe - Italy and Greece. I was 17, with my friends, no parents - freedom. The trip definitely exhausted our teachers' emotional capacity, so sorry about that. Great memories were made.
A visit to Joshua Tree National Park in the US - a full moon, dancing around a fire, sleeping under the stars.
Kiwi singer Lou'ana. Her debut album is Moonlight Madness. Photo / Supplied.
And the worst?
Mojitos and vintage cars in Cuba obviously . . . haha.
What's your approach to packing for an overseas trip?
Last minute! Oops.
What is the destination that most surprised you – good or bad?
After two bottles of birthday champagne and celebrations, I was blindfolded. Upon taking off the blindfold, I was standing at the international gate for a surprise 10-day trip to China. Bags were packed and checked, I just had to walk on through to board. Crazy.
Where was your most memorable sunrise/sunset?
Dressed in a flamingo onesie, at sunrise with my three best friends and a stranger's dog on Takapuna beach.
Pyper Vision founder Emily Blythe and Air New Zealand's chief pilot David Morgan have teamed up on better fog forecasting technology that could save the sector a fortune.