My favourite part of travel is always the flying. I know it's absurd to most rational people, but to me, the thought of getting to sit down and watch movies, undisturbed for 12 hours, is heaven.
Now as an adult, I curse myself if I ever fall asleep on a plane. It's an embarrassing waste of an opportunity. I'm never afraid of a plane going down, because I honestly think, if I had to die, doing it while I'm watching the newest release that I haven't had time to see in the cinema, is the way to go.
It makes sense then that my best travel memory is when I was 7 years old. The airplane seat felt like a throne, the orange juice felt like it was on tap and I watched Mr Bean for 12 hours. When we finally landed in LA I was disappointed that the holiday was over and now I had to start sightseeing.
We got through customs and a family friend of a friend picked us up at the airport in a blue convertible. I'll never forget driving through LA that day, how it was easily the coolest thing I've ever done and how badly I wished I was just still watching TV on a plane.
When I was 24 I travelling by myself in South East Asia and hoping to save money on a flight, I booked a bus ticket to travel over the Laos/Vietnam border. The bus left at 2.20am, which is in my opinion the best time for buses to leave. That night, as ordered, I met a stranger at 1am, jumped in the back of his pick-up and drove in pitch black for an hour to the "bus stop" — a bus stop that was so well disguised, it looked just like a piece of road in the middle of nowhere with nothing around. By this stage, I did wonder if maybe I was going to get murdered. I decided I wouldn't run, as I was tired and a nap that lasted forever sounded okay.