And it will come to pass that on the third day of the fifth month of 2014, a mighty ark will appear on a hill not far from Interstate 75 so that the people of north-east Kentucky will not perish in a great storm and will reap great rewards of money and prosperity as the tourists there will multiply and buy many dolls in the likeness of Noah.
This is not Kentucky bourbon talking. The state is already home to the Creationist Museum - which for three years has been a point of pilgrimage for those Americans who are willing to believe that the world was created in six days and Darwin lost his marbles on the bridge of the Beagle. But Kentucky is now embracing a creationist theme park with an ark built precisely to biblical specifications as its main attraction.
Already dubbed Ark Encounters, the park will attempt to capitalise on the success of the Creationist Museum, which was built by a religious group called Answers in Genesis and has already attracted more than a million visitors.
The ark will measure 500ft by 75ft, as it is described in the Old Testament. There is already a website and people can contribute funds to have their name attached to a peg, beam or plank - it is just $US100 ($NZ125.58) for a peg.
When it opens, the park will also offer the thrill of a recreation of the Tower of Babel, a walled city, a petting zoo and live animal shows featuring giraffes and elephants. It is not clear whether there will be two of every animal housed in the park. However, officials with Answers in Genesis said the purpose of building the ark is to demonstrate that it really would be big enough to hold two of every animal living on the planet.