There's a vast amount of useful travel information out there on the web - and I use it a lot when researching trips and checking stories - but you do need to be wary about its accuracy.
Unfortunately a lot of online material turns out to be out of date. And some of it seems to be motivated by personal malice.
The Herald ran a news story about this recently, with Kaimai View Motel owner Tony Drinkwater complaining about a customer being able to file a nasty review on in the course of a dispute over payment of a bill.
The chief executive of the Motel Association Michael Baines says this is just one of many examples of moteliers being threatened with scathing reviews on websites like TripAdvisor.
"As an industry we don't get it right all the time ... but more and more we see people saying ... 'if you don't give us a discount we'll write a bad review on TripAdvisor'. To me, that's no different to demanding money with menaces."