Have you ever sat next to an armhog on the plane, had lunch with an insanitiser or suffered from obeseaty? They are among the dozens of entries in for our competition to find new words to described travel experiences.
It wasn't easy to choose the five winners, who will receive Lonely Planet guidebooks of their choice, but with the help of several Herald colleagues I whittled the entries down to:
Battle class: Area at the back of an aircraft where 100 people have to fight their way in and out of a space designed for 50.
- Jacqueline Thorley, Chatswood
Carry-on: Rage from the passenger who believes her wheelie bag, laptop bag, handbag, jacket and tote bag of food and water constitute one item.
- Prue Scott, Parnell
Obeseaty: Obese people who take over more than one seat.
- Catherine Benefield, Ellerslie (several others sent in similar entries)