Michelle Whybrow is an animal lover and a Conservation Fund Administrator at Auckland Zoo. With the attraction now open again, get to grips with all that's new and exciting.

I've just celebrated my 20th year / "zooniversary" at Auckland Zoo. I started as a keeper working with primates before moving to the NZ native fauna section, developing my passion for native birds and reptiles, and particularly enjoying our breed-for-release programmes.
I have loved animals my whole life and became interested in the environment and conservation as I got older. Here at Auckland Zoo, I've been able to merge these passions into a career. Highlights include watching kiwi chicks hatch out of their eggs (simply amazing, no matter how many times you see it), hand-rearing whio ducklings and kākāpō chicks and getting out into the field mist-netting in special places like Hauturu-o-Toi (Little Barrier Island).