While I love to travel, there’s something very uncanny about the act of flying my brain can’t seem to process.
As the plane leaves the ground, I can’t help but imagine the space between my feet and the ground below widening to epic, horrific proportions. The lifting sensation in the air makes my stomach drop, the engine rumbling makes my palms sweat and the tilting of the plane makes me feel dizzy. I’ll do breathing exercises, blast loud music or, when I’m feeling really panicked, cling on to my travel companion to convince myself everything is okay.
While the experience of flying is stomach-churning enough, occasionally I’ll be travelling with someone who thinks my panicked reaction is hilarious. While I understand that the statistical safety ratings of flying are sky high and it’s likely I’m not in any actual danger, the jokey comments really can make the feeling much worse – pairing embarrassment with fear doesn’t exactly de-escalate a situation.
If you do find yourself travelling with someone who, like me, struggles to switch their brain off while flying, here are a few ways you can help to them calm down.