The window box is decked out with blue, striped cushions. Next to me are some wicker chairs, in the middle of the room are three square kitchen tables with some 1970s-style chairs. The theme of this cafe is definitely "Flea Market - €5 Sale".
Berlin often leaves me feeling befuddled but delighted with its typical mix-and-mismatch style. It is a city where penniless artists are invited to splash whatever is running through their fevered minds across any surface available.
And wherever someone is trying to have a creative thought, coffee shops soon follow - havens where they can contemplate or escape from their creations.
To cater for this, Berlin has birthed an eclectic, and sometimes eccentric, cafe culture that has visitors either scratching their heads or planning to move here to become the poor writer/singer/poet/painter they'd always dreamed of being.