Grant Robertson flies NZ416 from Wellington to Auckland with Air NZ.
The plane: An Airbus A320.
Class: Standard economy.
Price: One-way fares start from $56.
Flight time: The usual 55 minutes or so, no delays.
Mt Ruapehu looms large out the window of an Air New Zealand A320. Photo / Grant Robertson
Grant Robertson flies NZ416 from Wellington to Auckland with Air NZ.
The plane: An Airbus A320.
Class: Standard economy.
Price: One-way fares start from $56.
Flight time: The usual 55 minutes or so, no delays.
My seat: 4F.
Fellow passengers: Sunday morning vibe — Kindles and laptops abound.
How full? Mostly. Celine Dion was calling for many of them.
Entertainment: For me, Cabinet papers, and a stunning view.
The service: As ever with Air NZ, friendly and attentive.
Food and drink: The cookies and chips are still there. The coffee remains the only negative of the whole experience.
The toilets: Available.
Luggage: My bodyweight in papers to read.
The airport experience: Efficient.
The bottomline: An absolutely stunning day to fly.
Calm and sunny all across the motu.
A little-known holiday spot is nestled between Spanish Catalonia and southwest France.