Peter de Graaf flies aboard Air New Zealand NZ123 Auckland to Melbourne.
The plane: A Boeing 777-300.
Class: Economy/The Works.
Flight time: The scheduled 8.30am take-off was delayed by 30 minutes due to the late arrival of an earlier flight. The crew made up for it in the air, however, landing bang on time at 10.35am local time.
My seat: 34A. Due to impractically long legs and a desire to arrive ready for a hiking holiday, rather than contorted in origami-like fashion, I forked out an extra $20 for an emergency exit seat immediately behind Premium Economy. I opted for the "window seat" not realising seat 34A is a window seat without a window. It turns out the window is in the emergency door almost a metre in front of the seat, so when you're buckled in you can't see out. However, I did get my money's worth of leg room, I could've parked a small car between my seat and the bulkhead.