The plane: An A320.
Class: Economy.
Price: I was on a work trip but Jetstar's website shows Sunday flights ranging from $109 to $145.
On time: Yes.
A Jetstar A320.
The plane: An A320.
Class: Economy.
Price: I was on a work trip but Jetstar's website shows Sunday flights ranging from $109 to $145.
On time: Yes.
My seat: 1D, the exit row, with an empty seat between me and an ageing hipster in shorts.
Fellow passengers: Lots of fit-looking people in sturdy walking shoes; a family group of Chinese and another of Indian.
How full: About nine/tenths
Entertainment: An inflight magazine kindly tucked into the pocket in front of you.
The service: Staff seemed efficient serving those who paid extra for food.
Food and drink: I wasn't one of those who paid, but the breakfast smelled nice. Coffee would have cost $3.50 and beer $7.
The toilet: Clean, with Jetstar branded hand cleanser and, oddly, disposal for used syringes.
Luggage: 20kg.
The airport experience: A hint, fellow passengers: board when it's your turn. Or queue for longer than you need and block everyone else from boarding. Plane ain't leaving without you.
Would I fly this again: Always up for a trip to Queenstown.
'It feels like we’re the only international tourists in town.'