An elusive bull elk which has been stuck in a car tyre for two years has been freed at last, reported Colorado wildlife officials on Saturday.
The four-and-a-half year elk weighing 270kg had been walking the Denver hills for years with the distinctive look, with Parks and Wildlife rangers unable to catch him. Until now.
The animal was first spotted in 2019 with the tyre around its neck. Since then the tyre had stuck fast on the animal, as the bull elk's antlers had grown into an impressive five-point crown.
In spite of the neckwear it was difficult to spot the elk, said CPW officer Scott Murdoch. There had been six sightings since July 2019, mostly on trail and trapping cameras.
He speculated that it could have been eating out of the tyre in winter, before it had antlers, but how it got stuck was "anybody's guess".