The music and culture of Asuncion and Paraguay changed Bella Kalolo-Suraj's life. Photo / 123RF
The music and culture of Asuncion and Paraguay changed Bella Kalolo-Suraj's life. Photo / 123RF
Dawn Raids actor Bella Kalolo-Suraj shares how a trip to Paraguay changed her life
What have you been missing most about travel?
Face-to-face connection with family and friends overseas. I have missed going on tours around the globe too.
What are your strongest memories from the first overseas trip you ever took?
Getting bitten so badly by mosquitoes in Samoa, and the only ointment for my bites was bright pink. I can safely say I stood out just a little bit. I also have a memory of sitting in our village pool in Lufilufi to help the healing of my bites by letting the small fish clean them out. I'll never forget that feeling.
I think it's more of a "What" inspired my travels – which was my gap year. I won an exchange scholarship to Paraguay when I was 16. There were five Pacific/Māori people who won those scholarships from around New Zealand. I had only ever travelled to Australia and Samoa, so I jumped at it. I learned a different language, experienced a culture unlike my own, and was part of the Paraguayan girls' choir called Adagio. I stayed in Paraguay after my exchange at the request of my Choir Master, Javier Goligorsky, to represent Paraguay at the world choir competitions in Rome, where we won gold. I went on to tour France, Germany and Spain with the choir. Truly unforgettable.
What is the greatest trip you've ever been on?
My tour of Europe with Adagio.
And the worst?
This is only the worst because I had to travel to Samoa for my nana's funeral. I can only remember pockets of that trip. It was an overwhelming time.
What's your approach to packing for a big trip?
I've learned over the years that you usually don't use everything that you pack. If I'm going away for a week or two I can get everything I need into a carry-on sized bag.
What is the destination that most surprised you – good or bad?
Bangkok. I guess I was a bit unsure how I'd be in that kind of heat, but I was out shopping as soon as I got there and absolutely loved it.
Bella Kalolo-Suraj stars in ATC's production of Dawn Raids. Photo / Supplied
Chennai, India. My husband is from there and my parents-in-law live there. India has such a rich culture and history so I would love to visit my in-laws and learn about their region. Oh, and the food.
What's your favourite thing about travel?
If I'm on tour, I love falling on to my hotel bed, unpacking, and then exploring the town I'm in. Or if I'm visiting family, I just love to chill with everyone and have the best catch-ups and laughs.
Bella Kalolo-Suraj performs the role of To'aga in Dawn Raids by Oscar Kightley, playing August 16-September 3 at Auckland's ASB Waterfront Theatre.