A trip to Thailand with her future husband was the best holiday comedian Laura Daniel has ever had. Photo / Getty Images
A trip to Thailand with her future husband was the best holiday comedian Laura Daniel has ever had. Photo / Getty Images
What are your strongest memories from the first overseas trip you ever took?
I went to South Korea when I was about 12 as part of a homestay programme. I loved it and that set the bar high for travel. Pretty disappointing that none of my subsequent trips has involved staying in a random family’s house for a week.
Who has most inspired your travels?
My husband, Joseph, is a big travel nerd and spends a comical amount of time researching our trips down to the minute. I guess you could call the hours he puts into Google Maps “inspiring”?
I mean, going anywhere is generally great. The first trip I went on with my now husband to Thailand does stand out though. We booked it when we’d only been together for about a month, so it was a big swing. Luckily we learned we were very compatible travellers and it paid off.
And the worst?
New York, January 2020. The trip was great, but when we got on the plane on the way back we read a news article about this new virus thing.
What destination did you dream of most while borders were closed due to the pandemic?
Edinburgh! Two Hearts (my comedy pop-music duo with Joseph) had performed at the Fringe festival in 2018 and 2019, and were all geared up to do it in 2020. We finally made it back last year, and not even a bin-strike that meant the streets were covered in rubbish for the entire month could take away how incredible it was to be back.
What’s your approach to packing for a big trip?
I’m usually performing when I travel. So trying to get the balance between costumes, show tech, and clothes for the tacked-on holiday is tricky. I’m getting pretty good at knowing what exactly 23kg feels like to lift.
What is the destination that most surprised you – good or bad?
Budapest. We booked a trip when we were watching Mission Impossible 4 on a laptop in Edinburgh and thought “let’s just go there”. We didn’t get to run across the rooftops, but were pleasantly surprised by the cheap bars.
Laura Daniel, with husband Joseph Moore, on honeymoon in Hawaii. They perform as the comedy pop duo Two Hearts. Photo / Supplied
Where was your most memorable sunrise/sunset?
We took a catamaran around Oahu at sunset on our honeymoon in Hawaii. It was run by these 19-year-old surfer dudes who made us dangerously cheap mai tais (there’s a theme emerging here). We had to control ourselves to ensure that we would remember the memorable sunset.
What’s the first thing you do when you get home from a long trip?
Bring my bags inside and then spend approximately two weeks unpacking them.
Our cat, Martin. I’d love to bring him with me, but don’t think I can afford the damage he’d do to the hotel couch cushions.
What’s your favourite thing about travel?
Quite possibly the anticipation. You can get through any dull or stressful days at home when you’ve got something to look forward to.
Laura Daniel stars alongside Jackie Clarke and Jennifer Ward-Lealand in Rock Follies Forever on February 25-26 at the Hamilton Gardens Arts Festival. The full festival programme runs from February 24-March 5