Northland is the proverbial fishermen's basket.
Northland reminds me so much of Gisborne that it often feels like a home away from home. Deserted white sandy beaches, neglected roads and single-lane Simon Bridges. A place in touch with its Maori heritage, its outdoors and containing more than a proper pavlova slice of how NZ used to be.
There are not many areas in this country where you can find yourself swerving on a sandy beach highway to avoid a sunbathing seal that has hauled itself out of the wild surf for a snooze. From seals on sand to driving on seal, where you are commonly confronted by herds of steaming-nose wild horses.
The wild winterless north is a great place to go if you are looking to strip life back to basics. Plenty do. Like the seaweed pickers who live in wind-assaulted huts around the rocks from Ahipara beach. No power, no road, no internet, no shops, no bloody worries. A lifestyle that grows increasingly removed from today's hyper-connected existence. Yet a lifestyle far richer in experiences than any 4-inch screen stuck 12 inches in front of your nose.
Travel further around these rocks and you'll find magic surf breaks and rocky guts to surfcast for your dinner. Here, inshore fish such as kahawai and snapper snuffle along sand edges on incoming tides looking for dislodged crustaceans to complement their diets. Or they may just be looking for shellfish, the beds of which are prevalent up and down Ninety Mile Beach. Not just skinny little pipi either but proper big beds of their larger cousin, tuatua, often spotted in the distance on a low tide, poking out of the sand.