The bounty off Great Barrier is as rich as the life on the island.
We could have filmed our entire series at Great Barrier Island and in the waters around it. I must have been a hundred times or more now, never once having the same experience.
To perfectly frame this, I recently found myself landing on the island with cameraman Steve Hathaway and his daughter Riley of Young Ocean Explorers. We were off to film the nesting burrows of one of my favourite birds, the black petrel, or taiko, a real character of an avian, which is our second most endangered seabird. We had barely landed when a call came through that a pod of False Killer Whales had been spotted offshore.

False Killers Whales aren't actually whales but a type of large black dolphin with small dorsal fins and are often confused for pilot whales. We have several pods in NZ each year when the water warms to 19C. Steve had spent three years tracking these mammals for the BBC's Blue Planet, so this was too good an opportunity to miss.