"Flying is hours and hours of boredom sprinkled with a few seconds of sheer terror."
So said Pappy Boyington, American combat pilot and World War II fighter ace and also - on account of the lack of alcohol available - the only man to emerge from a Japanese PoW camp in better health than when he went in.

Today, the boredom of flying remains; the terror too, but it's even less frequent and the consequences less severe. It's unusual to be shot down these days.
But, in an age of low-cost carriers, DVT and crappy movies on crappy little screens, we often lose sight of the old-fashioned wonder of flight. You're a shaved monkey, sitting in a tin can hurtling through the air at a sniff under the speed of sound. Isn't that awesome? Look through the window and be dazzled by the sunset, the sunrise, the clouds and mountain tops below. Your great-grandparents never dreamed of seeing such things.