I just wanted to let your readers know to be mindful about booking a cruise to more exotic places.
My husband and I have booked a cruise that goes around the Emirates, India and Sri Lanka, before discovering that some places like India require a multi-entry visa, which can be expensive and confusing to obtain. I believe China is even worse. You cannot just opt to miss a one port country as these visas are required to enter territorial waters and you may not even be allowed to board without them.
On a more personal level I have been unable to find out if New Zealanders require an individual visa to disembark in Qatar, Oman and Sri Lanka on an American boat which gets group visas for American passengers. Any help appreciated.
- Maxine Bond
I asked visa specialist Peter Tuohy of Travcour for some help on this one. He said different cruise companies tend to have different requirements of their passengers. Some take care of any visas their passengers require (sometimes called a blanket visa), while others only take care of visas required for passengers from the US — especially if that's where the bulk of their customers are from. Other cruise companies advise passengers they must arrange their own individual visas.