A Frontier Airlines passenger forced an entire flight to deboard after she refused to comply with exit row instructions.
A Frontier Airlines passenger forced an entire flight to deboard after she refused to comply with exit row instructions.
An entire plane of passengers was forced to deboard a flight after a woman in the exit row had an argument with Frontier Airlines cabin crew.
Video of the incident was posted to social media, which showed a visibly angry woman arguing with staff as other passengers pleaded with her to follow instructions.
The woman, who sat in an exit row, was asked to comply with the safety briefing and confirm that she was physically able to carry out the duties of assisting others in case of emergency - a requirement when seated in the emergency exit row.
However, during the lengthy ordeal, she argued with staff over the safety briefing before muttering six words that led to all passengers being kicked off the plane.
Social media personality, Travel With Tia, who recorded the fight, and explained what happened during the altercation and the six words saw everyone deboard.
“This lady right here, when she first got on the plane and acknowledged the exit row, she said, ‘Oh, I’m not going to save anybody.’ She went on to say ‘If something happens, I’m going to save myself’,” she said.
“That was her attitude throughout the seating process. And I already knew something was about to pop off when she had that attitude.”
The woman reportedly said she wasn't going to save anyone else in an emergency situation.
After initial issues with the passenger, the flight attendant then asked: “If it’s gonna be a problem -” before the woman interrupted her.
“A problem? What’s the problem?” as the flight attendant explained what is expected of them in the exit row.
“We ain’t got no problem with that. We understand we gotta help people get off the plane and help Betty White if something happens,” the passenger replies as she points toward the other flight attendant.
Following a further exchange of words, the flight attendant then walked off before the captain then spoke to passengers on the loud speaker.
“Ladies and gentleman, we’ll be under way here shortly, we gotta take care of this issue. Law enforcement will be arriving.”
The passenger then chatted with others around her and claimed the flight staff were “lying” about her not complying with the safety instructions.
After staff asked the passenger to remove herself from the flight for a chat, a male crew member came over for a final time asking: “I’m gonna ask you one more time, nicely, to get off, if not, we’re going to deboard the plane and police will come and escort you off.”
The passenger then grew agitated and claimed she was going to call her lawyer.
“Because we didn’t do anything wrong and they asked us to agree and we did. We got a whole crew, staff, we got a whole crew,” she said as she pointed to the people around her.
“Ma’am, I understand, but we’ll talk about it outside,” the male employee responded.
“But what are we getting deboarded - my grandson is in Texas getting out of school at 3 o’clock,” the disgruntled passenger responded.