Air passenger finds man next to her has booked a seat for his DOLL
By <a href='' target='_blank'>Gareth Davies for MailOnline</a>
Daily Mail·
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The mystery man and his doll Barbara were visiting a giant Noah's ark replica built to spec. Photo / Twitter, Sara Novic
The mystery man and his doll Barbara were visiting a giant Noah's ark replica built to spec. Photo / Twitter, Sara Novic
A passenger found herself seated next to this strange pair not just once, but twice.
A luckless passenger found herself next to a man who had booked a seat for his doll only to board another flight and be sat by them again.
Sara Novic, from Brooklyn, documented her bizarre ordeal on Twitter on a flight to Cincinnati yesterday.
The mystery man and his doll Barbara were visiting a giant Noah's ark replica built to spec, and the creation museum, and the man had booked the extra seat under the figure's name.
Yesterday, she boarded her first plane and made the strange discovery.
She announced: "Good news - no person in the middle seat next to me.
"Bad news - terrifying baby doll that belongs to the man in the window seat next to me."
After discovering the man had bought the doll a ticket, writer Ms Novic said the flight attendant told the man not to book under Barbara's name next time they fly together.
The stewardesses told the man the security team at the airport was frantically trying to match the name on the boarding pass to the birth date given.
After discovering the man had bought the doll a ticket, writer Ms Novic said the flight attendant told the man not to book under Barbara's name next time they fly together. Photo / Twitter, Sara Novic
It wasn't until they realised Barbara was a doll that the panic ceased.
It is understood the ticket was bought under the doll's name using fake passport details, and went unchallenged until airline staff noticed either noticed the doll or that there was somebody missing.
Minutes later, Ms Novic ranted: "IT'S NOT A REAL PERSON," before updating her followers with more details of the curious couple.
She tweeted: "Some updates.
"The man is also traveling with an entire bunch of bananas as a snack.
"He is going to Cincinnati to see the giant Noah's ark replica built to spec, and the creation museum.
"As a matter of course."
She share the first picture of the doll and got off the plane.
After a two-hour layover, she got onto another jet, and to her dismay was sat next to them again.
But, instead of getting bogged down, Ms Novic decided to look on the bright side of the situation, and posted a second picture saying: "I'm on her right side this time.