Latest fromYouTube

Google's predictive text attempt leaves users lost for words
It does nothing to speed up typing; as one user said, it's as if someone is constantly interrupting you to finish your sentences, and always getting it wrong.

Apple TV: Hello high-def. Oh, and goodbye HDD
Even though the Apple TV has been a dream to use and has quietly gathered a loyal following of fans, it has long been due an overhaul.

What's in a name? Too much to throw away
If a new identity is the only way to escape your online past, maybe Facebook just isn't worth it.

Tobacco firm denies YouTube marketing
British American Tobacco (BAT) has denied claims it uses video-sharing website YouTube to market its products, as research released today from Otago University claimed.

Revealed: The YouTube rich list
New research has revealed the names of the ten highest earning independent acts on video sharing site YouTube.

<i>Chris Rattue:</i> A severe case of yellow card madness
Rugby is stark raving bonkers to send blokes off in test matches for innocuous incidents, writes Chris Rattue.

Refugee star lights up world stage
British-born rapper M.I.A. is the most provocative pop artist of her generation. She talks to Miranda Sawyer about being banned by YouTube and why passion and pop are inseparable.

How a Google mix-up on YouTube left PM's real message
Some of the translations of Prime Minister John Key's video diary messages are less than perfect.

Teen death puts focus on LA's mega-raves
More than 180,000 people packed into the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum over two days for a rave party last weekend.

Motorsport: USF1 team barred forever
The USF1 Formula One team has been fined and barred from ever competing in F1 for not taking part in the 2010 world championship.

Budget? Nah, give us Pac-Man, say Kiwis
New Zealanders were more interested in playing Pac-Man than the Budget last month.

Between the basslines
What began as an after-work hobby has turned into a surprise career change as Mt Eden Dubstep prepare to take their music to the world.

<i>Mark Irving: </i>Getting a laugh in advertising
There's some pretty dire stuff out there but every so often an ad comes along that's a true rib-tickler

Battle of the Gleeks: SuBo vs J-Lo
Susan Boyle continues to ruffle feathers - now she and Jennifer Lopez are set to be Hollywood's latest grudge enemies.

Words that make me cringe - 'make it viral!'
Three words that make me cringe: "Make it viral"...

Kids beware - the web never forgets
Things used to be in the past, but now they're not. They're on YouTube (motto: "Broadcast Yourself") and Vimeo and Facebook and Idiotvids.

Unfixed internet glitch could strand you offline
In 1998, a hacker told Congress he could bring down the internet in 30 minutes by exploiting a certain flaw - and it's still not fixed.

Royal NZ Ballet's 'Gaga-ettes' a YouTube hit
A workshop performance by members of the RNZB, set to the tune of Lady Gaga's Bad Romance, has become a YouTube hit.