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Mac Planet: Final Cut Pro X review
There's been a lot of controversy about Apple's latest Pro video-editing software...
Battle to control social networking heats up
A battle for the top position in internet business has broken out as rival alliances are going face-to-face with one another.
Kate Ross: social media - recruitment's 'Way of the Future?'
How is the recruitment industry using social media?
Inside Money: Account portability exciting, Dutch claim
Excited about bank account number portability?
Hold the iPhone! One tiny Apple patent can't be evil
Apple could come up with an idea for remote-controlled ravioli and the patent forms would be fetched from the cupboard.
Tim Lott: Facebook 'crystal meth of the cyberworld'
So why am I still on Facebook when millions have logged off for good over the past month alone?
Sideswipe: Something for the weekend
Celebrate the end of another working week with the special weekend edition of Sideswipe.
Dancing nana the next Susan Boyle? (+ video)
A Tauranga granny caught on film dancing with youthful vigour has become a YouTube sensation.
Whirlwind Pippa outstrips tornado and her sister
Never mind tornadoes and the most celebrated bride of the century - this week Kiwis preferred to know...
YouTube: I've got a funny feline
As the New Zealand Comedy Festival opens this weekend, Aleks Krotoski considers how the web has enhanced the funny business. And why so many cats?
Skateboarders take to quake-hit streets on YouTube (watch video)
A group of Christchurch skateboarders have made the most of their city's devastated roads and pavements.