Mayors seek jobs for youth
A group of mayors has come up with an ambitious proposal to collect at least 20,000 promises of jobs for unemployed young people.
A group of mayors has come up with an ambitious proposal to collect at least 20,000 promises of jobs for unemployed young people.
Children's Commissioner Dr Russell Wills has decided to publish his own annual stocktake of child poverty after the Govt spurned his call to publish official measures and targets.
A Far North after-school care worker has been charged with child sex abuse.
Chamber of Commerce is offering youngsters a road to a job through pilot pre-employment course.
Thousands of school students marched through Paris yesterday to demand the return to France of a 15-year-old Roma girl.
In an all-North Harbour affair, Westlake BHS successfully defended their New Zealand SS basketball title with a 78-68 win over arch rivals Rangitoto in Palmerston North.
Analysis of a healthy eating and activity programme first tested in Waikato primary schools shows the project is saving taxpayer money and improving children's lives.
More than 100 operations - including two liver transplants - are not usually seen on the CVs of beauty contestants.
The number of young people appearing before the courts has dropped to a 20-year low - but nine under the age of 16 were sentenced over homicides last year.
Three years of practising has paid off for three Taupo teens whose indie-pop band A Bit Nigel took top honours at this year's Smokefree Rockquest finals.
Two girls have handed themselves into police investigating an incident where a Hutt Valley taxi driver was stabbed in the head.
Older long-term unemployed people look set to lose out in a radical reshuffle of foundation education which will give higher priority to young people.
An Auckland father who says his daughter was told during religious instruction that she would go to hell is campaigning to have the classes dropped from her state school.
Children's reading ability is held back by a one-size-fits-all approach at school, an expert has warned.
Youth are finding the story they were told about hard work is not quite true, writes Cathy Bi.
A delay in getting at-risk youth back into education can have life-long consequences, education experts say.
A teen has been left in limbo without education for 305 school days as new figures spark concerns that at-risk pupils are falling through the cracks.
Ski workers set off explosives on Mt Hutt to prevent avalanches and clear the way for hundreds of stranded people to get off the mountain early this morning.
The battle between the two Kiwi teams is shaping as an interesting sub-plot to the Red Bull Youth America's Cup.
Tears and high-fives followed the rescue of two students from a collapsed snow cave on Mt Ruapehu.
Youth suicide rates have dropped in the past year after a sharp rise last year, and coroners are now increasingly concerned about suicides by elderly people instead.
Bumpy footpaths, traffic jams and shabby buses were some of the issues raised by school pupils with Auckland Mayor Len Brown yesterday.