Warning to parents after spike in kids' sport injuries
Kids playing too much sport can be just as harmful as too little, experts warn.
Kids playing too much sport can be just as harmful as too little, experts warn.
Elder is an advocate for greater awareness of Māori cultural needs in the health sector.
Leading lights in show business and sport take centre-stage in Queen's Birthday Honours.
Budget seems to be missing the well-being of 20% of the New Zealand population.
Nine young actors put down their scripts and talk real-life women's business.
Oranga Tamariki is buying up homes so it can house young offenders on remand.
Young people leaving state care will be supported in various ways up to the age of 25.
Fourteen months on, Anita Terrell is still waiting for an inquest into her teen's death.
Education is at the heart of what the Māori community wants in this year's Budget.
A shocking loophole allows children to be 'legally raped' in almost half of the US.
Liberal schools see NCEA change as "step backwards", but Auckland Grammar is happy.
The draft law is a weaker version of what Andrew Little previously outlined.
Savage opens up about his niece's death from suicide and his own thoughts at the same age.
Comment: This generation is so much further ahead than me and my mates were.
Young Northlanders join thousands at Youth Camp
COMMENT: Education should not put the interests of schools above those of individuals.
Children must keep the pressure on, through more strikes if necessary,writes John Milnes.
A dad has threatened court action if a school doesn't stop using essential oils in class.
A 4-year-old is being transferred to Starship Hospital and a 5-year-old is reported dead.
COMMENT: Will the national climate change protest by students achieve anything?
'Tautoko te rangatahi.' Made with funding from NZ On Air.
There are reasons why the pursuit of young people is more likely to end in disaster.
Jacinda Ardern requested the roundtable ahead of Friday's strike by students.
Today the "Herald" launches "The Chase" - a four-day series about police pursuits.
Filmmaker Jazz Thornton shares Jess' tragic story to show how we can make a difference.
Thousands of teens will march over climate action on Friday. What world will they inherit?
Pregnant mother is being slammed online after she admitted to leaving her son home alone.
COMMENT: Like everything, there are pros and cons, but removing junior rep teams entirely?
Jackson's sister said she would not be a "silent collaborator" of her brother's "crimes".
They haven't had a sleep-in since 1982, and they've changed more than 100,000 nappies.