Latest fromYouth

Not cheap taking the kids
When do children stop being children? The answer varies - at the Auckland Zoo, it's age 15, while on Air New Zealand flights, it's age 12.

Son dobs in drink-drive mum to police
A teenager who feared for the safety of his sister and her friend took his drink-driving mother's keys and a bottle of gin, then called police.

Teen heroes bullied for rescuing beaten officer
The two sisters who rescued Tuakau policeman John Connolly from a savage beating say they are being bullied out of town.

Tweenies turned off by 'gross' sexy images
"Tween" girls are making informed decisions about sexualised popular culture, a study finds.

Migrant rewarded for her disciplined learning path
When 13-year-old Rennie Qin arrived from China four years ago she couldn't speak English and her parents couldn't afford to send her to the "good schools" - but that wasn't enough to stop her from striving for the top.

New heroes tell of saving crash kids
A new tale of courage has emerged in the aftermath of a fiery accident which claimed the life of a 4-year-old boy.

5-year-old sex offender on crime list
A 5-year-old and two 6-year-old boys were apprehended by police for sexual assault last year.

Michael Jones - one more test
He played 55 internationals for the All Blacks. Now Michael Jones is stepping up to lead West Auckland's Pacific community and agonising over going into politics.