Latest fromYouth

Movies magic for rainy holidays - what kids think of the holiday movies
Foul weather on the first day of the school holidays drove many parents to the cinemas.

Drunken youths in ER at rate of almost one a day
Drunk youths are turning up at Auckland emergency rooms at the rate of almost one a day, says the ADHB.

Parental law set to stop teen drinkers
The Government is considering making it unlawful for adults to give alcohol to young people without their parents' consent.

Teen death puts focus on LA's mega-raves
More than 180,000 people packed into the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum over two days for a rave party last weekend.

'Hysterical' coverage prompted Undie 500 offer
Media coverage about the search for a destination for the troubled Undie 500 prompted a couple to offer students their property.

Culture of celebrity hurting teens
Researchers say young people are being too much influenced by media focused on "celebrity" behaviour.

Young cop faces probe over bar ID claim
Police are investigating claims that an off-duty officer used his official ID to allow drinkers who may have been under-age into a bar for his girlfriend's 21st.

Mission: Lose 47kg to donate a kidney
Father-of-five Bobby Manu must lose 47kg so he can donate a kidney to his sick daughter.

Parents let in booze after ball
One 15-year-old girl is believed to have got so drunk before King's College's senior ball she had to be refused entry.

Kids' pole antics just 'a sport'
Family values campaigners are concerned about a Wellington pole-dancing competition that opened with a display by young children, but its organiser says it's a sport for all ages.

Young choristers make the music speak
Artistic director Karen Grylls should be justifiably proud of the diversity and range of music that her 46-strong choir will be singing.

A catalyst for social change
Carol Hirschfeld talks frankly about what she hopes is life-changing programming at Maori TV.

Plain packs for cigarettes turn off teens
Wiping virtually all branding off cigarette and tobacco packets could prove crucial in turning teens off smoking, a NZ study indicates.

Breath-testing before school rugby angers old boys
Police refused seven people entry after breath-testing visitors as they came through the gates to view one of New Zealand's oldest school rugby fixtures.