Latest fromYouth

Sibling burglars arrested
Hamilton police are praising neighbours for helping to catch brother and sister burglars yesterday.

Auckland school students suspended over 'racist' fight
Two Takapuna Grammar students have been stood down after a fight, allegedly fuelled by racist taunts, which was videoed and sent around school.

Users rate Ecstasy brands on website
Dealers are competing "like Pepsi and Coke" to sell ecstasy, says the NZ Drug Foundation, and users are rating their experiences on the web.

Girl's 6-floor city plunge
A North Shore 18-year-old is lucky to be alive after falling multiple storeys from a carpark building during a night of drinking and taking Ecstasy.

Iran teen faces death on sex charge
An 18-year-old Iranian is facing imminent execution on charges of homosexuality.

12-year-old drug dealer stuns school
A drug dealing 12-year-old took a kilogram of cannabis to sell to his mates at an intermediate school.

We really need to talk about condoms...
Janie McKeon was caught off guard last year when, at the age of 17, her son's girlfriend came to stay.

US toddler baked in minibus
A two-year-old girl baked to death in a minibus after the driver forgot she was there and accidentally locked her inside.

Teen torture
The teenage years are fraught for both teens and parents and research shows the adolescent years are getting longer.

Teen's 200km/h jaunt horrifies police
A teenage driver on a restricted licence clocked at 200km/h has been accused of "mind-boggling stupidity."

Graffiti vandal sued for $33,000
A vandal who caused tens of thousands of dollars worth of graffiti damage is being sued by the Auckland City Council to recover repair costs.

Teen's death baffles parents
A shattered family is waiting for answers after a seemingly healthy teenager was found dead in bed without any apparent cause.

Army battling youth drinking culture
Thirty-four soldiers from just one army base have faced drinking-related court charges in the first six months of this year.

Messy online history cleaned up - for a price
Haunted by a revealing photograph from your drink-mad office party posted on Facebook? Then Gary Powers is waiting to hear from you.

Kiwi is world's 10th best 11-year-old golfer
An 11-year-old Bay of Plenty girl has battled the odds to play her way into the elite of world golf for her age.

Feminist: Sex culture setting women back
"Raunch culture" has set back women in Western societies more than 50 years, says a visiting Australian feminist.