Latest fromYouth

Initiative for parents a fresh start for families
Youth Court judges are gearing up to make hundreds of orders a year directing young offenders and their parents to attend parenting programmes.

Parents learn how to focus on the positive
One of the main lessons Nikki Bodde has learned from the Incredible Years parenting programme is not to use the word "but".

Healthcare pilot offers training for parents
Doctors and nurses are being recruited to run parenting programmes in a bid to intervene before unruly children turn into delinquent teenagers.

Tears and recriminations in Tucson
Flickering candles, flowers and stuffed toys cram the pavement in the immediate vicinity of shot congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford's office.

Divers use sonar in hunt for jetskier's body
Navy divers using sophisticated sonar equipment have begun an attempt to find the body of teenage boy presumed dead after a jetski accident.

Mel Gibson fights for his daughter
Mel Gibson wants Oksana Grigorieva immediately stripped of custody of their daughter.

Tunisian clashes claim 14 lives
Fourteen civilians have been killed in clashes with Tunisian police.

Jetski rider helps in search for lost mate
A teenager who allegedly ran over another on his jetski has been helping in the search for his missing schoolmate.

Becks' boy having fashion fun
To most 8-year-old boys, the idea of a sartorial dilemma is whether or not to change tops after a Heinz spaghetti spillage.

Shallow water blackout a deadly risk for swimmers
The tragic death of a Nelson teenager this week serves as a warning of the risks of suffering from shallow water blackout when holding your breath underwater, a water safety expert says.

'Silly game' in pool costs teen's life
He was playing a game that will be familiar to many from childhood. But when Sam Goodenough's turn came to try to hold his breath the longest underwater, the game turned to tragedy, when the16-year-old blacked out and failed to surface.

Expert: Fleeing teens love thrill of chase
The threat of jail terms for drivers who flee police will not stop young offenders, a criminal psychologist says.

Teen drowns after pool game
A teenager has died after reportedly competing with friends to see who could hold their breath underwater the longest.